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"I really just love anything that grooves"

- Jacob Winthrop

"You've gone to the spa for way too long and you start to lose your mind you know you get in the water, "ay que, caliente que buena que oh wow, pero ahora no puedo pensar olvide quien soy," and that's what this song is..."

- Jack Eidemiller

"...or some sh*t like that."

- Anderson (Benche) Baptiste


- Ninaad Raman

A group of four distinct friends with colorful backgrounds, Asanabenche brings an eccentric, energetic groove. Their tight chemistry and worldwide influence guides you peacefully through their chaos. Hailing from Los Angeles, Dominica, Wyoming, and Los Altos respectively, Jacob, Anderson, Jack, and Ninaad came together in Boston. It started as a weekly jam between Jacob and Anderson, but quickly became the band you know today as Asanabenche.


The four amigos sat on a bench outside a Cory Henry concert searching for their name when the bench answered their calls. Their music is a flavorful stew of jazz, funk, soul, Latin, and reggae. Together, their influences and songwriting experience bring a never-before-heard sound, self-identified as Bird Music, to the music industry. If you like Cory Henry, Kokoroko, or Vulfpeck, Asanabenche could be for you.


Asanabenche has played (and sold out some) popular venues in Boston (Massachussetts) and Valencia (Spain) such as Radio City Valencia, the Derby Street Shops, Black Note Club, Fenway Fiasco Bi-annual House Show, and La Salá.

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